lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014

Good bye Amanda

Este es mi primer post en inglés y lo hago porque así lo siento... This is my first post in English because I feel it right now.

Never is easy to say good bye but..., sometimes it's necessary. This post is dedicated to my sweet friend Amanda (my best friend's cat). She passed away a few days ago... When I meet my dear friend Sherzad Anderakht I immediately realized that he have a real love called Amanda, her named is in his front and back door and they have been together eight years. My dearest brother Diego Antonsen  talked such nice things about Amanda that I founded out myself when I got closet to Sherzad and I moved to the same building.

One of Amanda's visits.

I never met a cat with such a personality, actually I was always jockeying about it to Sherzad saying that Amanda thought she was a dog instead that a cat cause she behaived like that. She used to wait for Sherzad in the back door and believe me when I said that, just like a dog waiting for her leader of the pack. Also she used to walking with Sherzad and Me near to the fiord, following us as a dog and she likes give and receive love. When we opened the door to her came out into the street, always returned when we called by her name, just like a dog.
She knew when I need company.

She liked candies for cats, specially "whiskas tempations" and got very happy when we tickle her head or  belly, but the most amazing thing about Amanda was that she really was there when you need her..., she had that powerful feeling about it, and she was there for you when you need it. Just a week ago before she passed away I was so sad and she just "nocked my door" coming in and spent the afternoon with me. She got used to do that but this time was special cause she just knew I was really sad and stayed with me and brought me her love.

If Amanda make me feel all this beautiful things about her I can imagine all the love and happiness she gave to Sherzad in eight years. I'm so sad that she passed away and Im going to miss her so much, also Im sad because I can feel Sherzad's pain and sadness but she was a loved cat. She received and gave so much love that I truly beleievd she had a good life together with my dearest friend Sherzad. And despiste that I'm dont believed in God I would like to think that she is Happy, running and playing in the sky of cats. Good bye dear Amanda, we love and miss you.